Travelling Necklace

The “Travelling Necklace” Story

At our 2011 Algonquin College Retreat, we were very fortunate to have a very inspirational and kind lady as our Keynote speaker. Her name is Rosita Hall. Some of you may know Rosita, since, over the years, she has also spoken at numerous College events.

This is the story of Rosita and how she had blessed us with the donation of her lovely travelling necklace.
The reason for Rosita doing this was to allow us to share the necklace among participants who had memorable life experiences happen to them. The necklace was intended to travel from one recipient to another, when life events happened.












Rosita’s beautiful necklace has, and continues, to ‘travel well’ among participants from this Retreat. Here are some of the reasons the necklace has been lovingly handed over, from one recipient to another, as seen in the pictures accompanying this article:
• The birth of several grand children
• Moving to a new job
• Being selected to be part of the Royal entourage, as a successful landed immigrant, at a Canada Day celebration
• Getting to attend the Oprah Winfrey Show
• The birth of a new baby
• A wedding
• Retirement

We are looking forward to the ‘next memorable event’ so we can continue this great tradition started by Rosita. Thank you for donating your lovely necklace Rosita. What a great way to help us build a greater sense of community and to keep in touch with one another!

If you wish to learn a little more of Rosita Hall’s work you can check out her website:
