“Once I convince my mind that I can get through adversity, my body, soul and spirit will follow suit” Rosita

First and foremost, let me say that I am not a medical professional and can offer no advice on combatting the COVID 19 virus except “WASH YOUR HANDS.” I will leave any further advice to the many qualified medical professionals who are guiding us through this pandemic such as the World Health Organization.  https://www.who.int/  What I can offer is encouragement and hope as we all come to terms with the reality of life as we know it today. May we all keep perspective, keep abreast of the news in regards to this virus, and care deeply for and about each other even from a distance.

I grew up in a Harrow, Ontario which is a small town outside of Windsor, some may refer to Harrow as being ‘out in the country’. In any event, street lights were at a minimum so my Mom would always leave the porch light on. I very much appreciated when she did this because when I saw that porch light it gave me confidence and hope that I was heading in the right direction and that when I arrived home I would be sheltered with warmth, and lots of love regardless of what was going on in the outside world.

May I offer you some of that “porch light” love? Below are five ways I have decided to weather the reality of the world we live in at this moment in time both personally and professionally. May these suggestions give you the same sense of love and hope that I felt each time I saw that porch light on – it reminded me that someone cared about me and my safety.

Gratitude gives me the lift that I need as I rise each morning – I take a deep breath in and out and I thank God for being alive – especially since COVID 19 has caused such havoc and loss of life in many communities around the world. Take a moment right now to just be thankful that you are alive!

Each morning and throughout the day, I send, love, light and prayer to our medical teams and volunteers all over the world who are working tirelessly to keep us all safe. Take a moment now and send thoughtful energy, light or prayers to our doctors, nurses, caregivers etc.

3. CARING FOR MY HEALTH EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY:             I am taking more time daily for my health-walking, dancing and challenging myself by doing push-ups every day, and I’m loving it! There is so much time to devote to our personal health these days – take advantage of it. Remember – YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH!

I am taking time to self-educate, I am reading more books, listening to podcasts, Ted Talks, etc. Give yourself a break from the computer or television screen, find a good book, snuggle up and read.

I am taking this time to challenge myself around how I can be better at what I do as a professional speaker and coach, how I can provide better services, improve on my delivery and reach a larger and more diverse audience. Take time each day to reflect upon your business practices and how you might improve upon them.

During what many seem to some as difficult and dark times, please know that my porch light will always be on for any of you – however, when you’re looking for it , it will be a little different than the one my Momma left on, you’ll both see and experience my porch light love, coaching and encouragement by emailing me at rosita@rositahall.com or by calling me at 905.966.3280

Rosita Hall is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, Performance Coach and Canadian Best Selling Author. 

Please review her book trailer by clicking on the following link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z45xd1wZsNg
